Front Desk Services
Private Condo Rentals
Casablanca Hotel
6345 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33141
CHMC Condominium Hotel Management Corporation
Casablanca Resort Condominium - All room guests must be registered with the Front Desk before occupancy of any room - no exceptions
What You Need To Know Before Renting Your Unit
1. Residential Unit Owners are not permitted to operate a rental business or any other kind of business at the Casablanca
2. Owners may rent their units but must follow the Casablanca Condominium Declarations which contain rental restrictions
3. Owners are required to have a "Transient Rental Contract" to legally rent their units on a nightly basis
4. Owners without a "Transient Rental Contract" may only rent their unit twelve (12) times per year
5. Owners are required to pay the designated and approved fees associated with all rentals
6. Owners are required to register all guests including relatives & friends
7. Owners are required to be properly licensed and insured if renting their units
8. Owners renting units must provide proof of insurance naming Schecher Group, Inc. as an additional insured
9. All renters and guests are required to register at the FRONT DESK before entering the building's elevators
10. Owners are responsible for all damage caused by their renters
11. NO REFUNDS effective 1/1/2024 on fees associated with unit rentals (Get Deposits From Your Renters)
12. LONG TERM RENTALS - 181 days or more must be approved prior to occupancy
13. ALL LEASES must be approved prior to occupancy
14. Owners are required to collect and pay all required sales and related taxes associated with unit rentals